Ecological Sustainability
At Wipro, we recognize that the environmental challenges we face today are as critical as the economic imperatives. Ecological sustainability is therefore an essential part of our approach in enabling responsible corporate citizenship. As part of our ecological sustainability program, we plan to mitigate carbon footprint and ensure energy savings through goals based on Science Based Targets (SBT) methodology. This includes:
- Reducing 14% of absolute Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2022 and 48% by 2030, from a 2017 base-year.
- Reducing 10% of absolute scope 3 GHG emissions by 2022 and 30% by 2030 from a 2017 base-year for business travel, employee commute, upstream fuel and energy-related emissions.
- Aligning our targets with the 1.5 degree temperature goal.
- Ensuring GHG mitigation by increasing energy efficiency, enabling renewable energy (RE) purchase and reducing and replacing inefficient modes of travel.
Water Efficiency and Responsible Sourcing
As responsible corporate citizens, we understand the importance of water conservation, and focus on the inter-related issues of both efficiency in use and conservation of water. Our goal for responsible sourcing includes:
- Improving water efficiency (fresh-water use per employee) by 5% year on year.
- Reducing absolute water consumption in existing campuses by 20% between FY 2016 and FY 2021.
- Ensuring responsible water management in proximate communities, in locations prone to water scarcity.
- Collaborating on building capacity and advocacy platforms at the city level for integrated urban water management.
Waste and Pollution Management:
Our waste management strategy includes:
- Monitoring air, water and noise levels to operate well within regulatory norms.
- Reducing materials impact and recycling.
- Arranging for safe disposal or treatment of waste. This includes segregating and monitoring waste processing across 13 broad categories and more than 40 sub-categories.
Campus Biodiversity
Our urban biodiversity program addresses the twin aims of creating biodiversity in our urban campuses while using it as a platform for wider education and advocacy. Our goals include:
- Converting five of our existing campuses into biodiversity zones.
- Incorporating biodiversity principles into new campus designs.
Workplace Sustainability
At Wipro, we believe that we cannot build a great business without nurturing talent. This is why we are committed to recruiting and training skilled employees, service providers and leaders. Our aim is to build the best-in-class, global, diverse leadership team, hire locally and provide learning opportunities. We empower our employees to excel in their core areas of expertise while ensuring physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of our employees. In addition, our policies and procedures enhance safety and security at the workplace, as we continue to build awareness and impart relevant trainings. At the same time we have institutionalized key policies such as Human Rights Policy, Prevention of Sexual Harassment policy and have put a Ombuds team in place for grievance redressal.
Customer Stewardship
Customer stewardship hinges on meeting customer expectations by being responsive to emerging trends and offering a portfolio of products and services which integrates resource efficiency, dematerialization, organizational transparency, connectedness, and collaboration. Engaging with customers is critical to meet their expectations and it is the foundation on which the stewardship rests. Wipro’s vision is to deliver value to customer businesses based on a solid relationship of trust, collaboration and competence, while providing solutions that integrate deep industry insights, leading technologies and best-in-class delivery processes.
Supply Chain Sustainability
We value our suppliers as key stakeholders and believe in engaging with them beyond the scope of legal compliance. Our approach to engagement is multi-pronged with focus on improving the capabilities of suppliers in managing sustainability performance. The program is driven by responsible engagement and commitment as guided by our values. Our code of business conduct provides ethical guidelines and expectations for conducting business and directs Wipro’s relationship with its suppliers. Our key supply chain programs include:
- Supply chain audits and assessments
- Green procurement and e-waste management
- Supplier diversity
Corporate Governance
Corporate Governance is more than just adherence to the statutory and regulatory requirements. It is about focusing on voluntary practices that underlie the highest levels of transparency and propriety. Our governance framework is driven by the objective of enhancing long term stakeholder value without compromising on ethical standards and corporate social responsibilities.
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