Wipro Media Fellowship Program

The Wipro Media Fellowship enables socially conscious individuals to work with some of India’s most committed grassroots organizations and leaders, gain first-hand experience of social change movements in India, and sensitize citizens about grassroots initiatives through their writing, photography and documentary filmmaking.

As a Wipro Media Fellow, you may engage with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) that work with migrant workers, tribal groups, shelter homes, persons with disabilities, farmers, disadvantaged castes, children with disabilities, out-of-school children, or disaster survivors in urban or rural India. Over a term three-to-six-months long (extendable), fellows will be supported by a team of mentors from Wipro Foundation and its partner network to document stories of change in underserved communities.  

The fellows are expected to closely work with CSOs to understand their interventions, and the communities they serve, in a nuanced manner. Maintaining the integrity of the stories and dignity of the groups that are being documented will be integral to all fellowship projects. Through this immersive experience, fellows can further develop their skills as writers, photographers and documentary filmmakers.

Who are we looking for?

We welcome expressions of interest from those with understanding and skills of writing, photography, or documentary filmmaking and who want to use communication to strengthen the voices of marginalized communities. Individuals from underrepresented communities, as well as persons with diverse backgrounds and experiences, are encouraged to apply. 

EngagementFulltime, 3-6 months (extendable) 

The Wipro Media Fellowship Program is scheduled to begin in March 2022, with an orientation of 3-5 days in Bengaluru. This orientation will introduce the participants to the objectives and expectations related to the Fellowship Program. It will offer masterclasses on topics related to photography, video making and writing etc. The fellows will also get introduced to the collaborating partner NGOs in the orientation.   

Fellows may be placed in any region of India. They are expected to spend about eight weeks with one NGO-partner, pre-selected by Wipro Foundation. One fellow, thus, will have the opportunity to document/cover 2-3 NGO partners during the duration of their fellowship.  

Fellows are expected to live on the campus/office of the collaborating NGO(s) or in their close vicinity, and work full-time on their projects, for the full duration of their fellowship period. They are expected to pay for their lodging, and will be assisted by their host organization(s)/NGO mentor(s) in locating appropriate accommodation. Travel from the home-location to Bengaluru, and from Bengaluru to assignment location(s) etc. will get reimbursed by Wipro FoundationExpenses for local/intra-city/district-level travel will not be reimbursed. 

All fellows will have periodic touchpoints with their Wipro Foundation mentors and the opportunity to share their learning and challenges etc. with other Wipro Media Fellows. Each fellowship project will have clear deliverables outlined at the time of project allocation which will be reviewed during bi-weekly calls.   

Stipend: 35,000-45,000 INR per month, depending on experience and skills

Register to apply for Wipro Education Fellowship grant


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To apply for Wipro Foundation grants, registration is required

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