Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is Wipro Foundation the same as Azim Premji Foundation?

Although Wipro Foundation and Azim Premji Foundation often collaborate to amplify our outreach, these are two separate legal entities. 

Wipro Foundation represents Wipro Ltd’s CSR initiatives and works with Civil Society Organizations in Education, Ecology, Health, and Disaster Response. Whereas, Azim Premji Foundation is Mr. Azim H. Premji’s philanthropic initiative having significant economic ownership of Wipro Ltd.

Azim Premji Foundation includes these Operating Units:

–  Field Institutes, a network of District Institutes and affiliated Schools that currently work to improve public education;

–  Philanthropy, the grants organization, referred to as Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives;

–  University in Bengaluru, and other planned locations;

– Any other new initiatives, such as future work in Healthcare.

Please visit the Azim Premji Foundation website for more information.

My friend/family/acquaintance needs support for their non-profit - who should I contact?

Please direct your connections to fill the grant application form. If they fit our criteria, the Wipro Foundation or Wipro Cares team will reach out to them.

I am facing errors while submitting my grant application online.

Please contact with a screenshot of the error. Note that registration on the website is mandatory before applying for any Wipro Foundation grant.

Does Wipro Foundation support newly started non-profits?

We support non-profits at different stages of growth, level of experience, and expertise. Please review the grantseeker section for eligibility criteria and domains we support.  

Can we participate in Wipro Foundation organized workshops and events?

Wipro Foundation workshops and events are restricted to Wipro partners. However, we do have open seminars/workshops/training a few times a year. For the latest updates on open events, please subscribe to our newsletter or check the website’s events section.

How much time does the grant approval review process take?

Grant applications go through a process that includes several rounds of discussions with the applicant to understand their program and requirements, field visits, board reviews, and other due diligence. It could take a month or more to complete the process. Once your application has been shortlisted, a Wipro Foundation program officer will contact you for the next steps.

I have received an e-mail stating Azim Premji Foundation has awarded me a grant but it can only be processed after paying a fee.

Azim Premji Foundation and Wipro Foundation are separate organizations. If you have received communication fraudulently claiming to be associated with Azim Premji Foundation, please read their alert on Information on Online Scams and Fraudulent E-mails.

If you come across any communication misrepresenting Wipro Foundation, please write to Please note that Wipro Foundation assumes no liability for damages caused through illegal or fraudulent usage of Wipro Foundation’s name.

In general, refrain from responding to any e-mail received from any unauthorized mail ids or any person claiming to be an authorized representative of Azim Premji Foundation or Wipro Foundation without verifying the veracity of the same.

I see an opportunity to collaborate. Can I pitch a project idea?

Please write to us using the Contact Us form. 

I am interested in applying for a role at Wipro Foundation.

Please refer to our careers page for new opportunities or for open applications. We are always on the lookout for passionate people to join the Wipro Foundation team. 

Do you accept interns?

We announce internship opportunities from time to time and depending on project requirements. Please review the career section for latest internship opportunities. 

I would like Wipro employees to volunteer at our organization.

Wipro Employees only volunteer at Wipro’s partner organizations. 

We would like to start a fundraising campaign at Wipro towards a disaster response.

Any form of fundraising is prohibited at Wipro.

Can you contribute to my online fundraiser?

We do not contribute to online fundraisers.

Our nonprofit requires in-kind donations - can we apply?

Sorry, we do not provide in-kind donations.

Do you provide support to individuals who have lost their job or are facing a financial crisis?

Under our CSR mandate, we only support organizations in Education, Ecology, Health, and Disaster Response domains. We are unable to provide support for individuals’ needs.

Can you provide funds for a medical emergency in my family?

Under our CSR mandate, we only support organizations in Education, Ecology, Health, and Disaster Response domains. We are unable to provide support for individuals’ needs.

Will you support with funds for the education of my children?

Under our CSR mandate, we only support organizations in Education, Ecology, Health, and Disaster Response domains. We are unable to provide support for individuals’ needs.

Do you support education of girls?

The Santoor Scholarship Program provides priority funding to girls from economically disadvantaged backgrounds from developing districts in Karnataka, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh. Please visit Women’s Scholarship ( for more information.

My organization is participating in COVID-19 Response. Can you provide us with funds for delivering ration?

We only work with our network organizations for COVID-19 Response.

Is my organization eligible for funding?

Please refer to the eligibility criteria mentioned under each of the education programs that you wish to apply to.

Ours is a low-fee paying private school, will you fund us?

We do not directly fund schools.

I am an independent social worker; will you fund my work in a neighborhood school in improving access to education?

We do not fund projects initiated in an individual capacity.

We are looking to sponsor education to children in English-medium schools

Sponsorship of school fees is not covered under our mandate.

Our organization works with children with disabilities. Can we partner?

Yes. Please refer to our grant program for children with disabilities.

Is the Grant available for individuals with no prior work experience?

We strongly suggest recent graduates gain at least 2-3 years of full-time work experience in the social sector before setting up their own organizations. It will help them build personal capacities, forging networks, and better clarity on their long-term interest. However, if someone with limited formal work experience but a degree in Environment/Sustainability or similar fields is part of a team that consists of much more experienced co-founders, such applications may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Is the Grant available only for individuals with degrees in Environmental/Sustainability or similar field?

While a degree in Environmental/Sustainability or a similar field is an added advantage,  a formal degree in Environmental/Sustainability or a similar field is not mandatory. We consider sustained interest and commitment as essential elements to be an effective (co-) founder of an organization. Applicants with an educational background in other domains must have at least 2-3 years of prior engagement/experience in this space.

Do all founders have to be from the same background, i.e., say from the same University or Fellowship?

A balanced team is critical for any organization’s growth and sustenance; however, the founders’ backgrounds need not necessarily be the same.

Can the grant be extended beyond one year?

The individuals supported through the grant program are expected to have set up a relatively stable organization by the end of one year of the program period, which could attract organizational or project-based funding from other sources. The continued provision of the stipend would be subject to adherence to the clauses of the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the individual and Wipro and satisfactory progress on the plans submitted during the selection stage (including a well-structured organizational development plan); as determined by periodic reviews and discussions; and a detailed annual review. Depending on the progress, outcome of periodic reviews, and detailed annual review, we may further extend organizational support to the teams/organization, after the expiry of the one year term for the grant, on case to case basis.

Can I continue to get the stipend if I have stopped working for my grant organization or work for it only part-time?

The stipend is for working full-time and in a dedicated manner to set up and develop your organization. If you decide not to work for it for any reason whatsoever, you must inform Wipro immediately so that your case is reviewed and an appropriate decision can be taken based on the specifics of the case. Failure to do so would be treated as a breach of trust and may attract penalties.

I co-founded an organization a year back, but that initiative doesn’t seem to be working out. Can I start another organization alone or with other co-founders?

Setting up a stable organization entails serious upheavals – many of which prove temporary in the long run. We thus expect you to have the resilience to achieve what you had set out to do, despite all obstacles. However, if you are determined to stop working for the organization you had agreed to set-up during the selection stage, you must inform us immediately about your decision. If we feel your interest/request is sufficiently justified, in exceptional cases, we may continue the Grant and support you in setting up another organization based on your interest.

Can I supplement my grant through personal income from other sources?

The grant is meant to provide you with the personal financial flexibility to work full-time and in a dedicated & focused manner to the cause and task of setting up an effective initiative. We thus expect you to be engrossed in this task. For a (co) founder to expect to do this effectively in a part-time manner, we feel, is unrealistic. Accepting finances from other sources for personal remuneration would generally mean taking out time and effort for something which may not align with the best interest of the organization you are setting up, and hence will not generally be allowed. Please do note, however, that we encourage you to raise funds for the organization. So, in sum, while you are free to raise funds for the organization you have set up to help meet its objectives and plans; you must not take up any paid job which may reduce your attention and effort from the primary task of setting up and developing your organization as an independent entity contributing meaningfully to Water and Waste related issues.

Can I raise funds for my organization from other sources?

Yes, you are encouraged to raise funds from other sources for your organization, provided such funding does not significantly change the original plans that you have shared with us. If you are in doubt, please contact us.

Is the grant amount taxable?

Yes, all appropriate government taxes will apply.

What if my organization or I do not meet the targets?

We understand the difficulties involved while working on Urban Ecology related issues, and the periodic reviews will take this into consideration. However, if there is a lack of sincere commitment and effort, we will terminate our support.

How will my and the organization’s work be reviewed?

We have informal reviews once every quarter – this could be through a visit, phone calls, or other means. There will be a detailed formal review once every year.

Can we apply for grant towards infrastructure cost of healthcare initiatives?

The grant only supports Operations and Human Resources expenses.

Can we apply for donation towards supporting treatment cost such as hospitalization charges or surgical expenses of patients?

We do not provide support for treatments/surgeries of individual patients.

We are an existing recipient of a Wipro grant but in another domain. Can we apply for a healthcare project grant?

Yes. Existing grantees are eligible to apply for healthcare grants. Grant approval is subject to your healthcare project meeting all the requirements under the healthcare grants.

We have expertise in running primary healthcare projects and we would like to initiate a healthcare project in another state, are we eligible to apply?

We expect the organization to have a strong connection with the local communities where they work. This could be through any of their existing projects (in healthcare or other domains). We do not prefer organizations that plan to work in an entirely new area/community.

Our organization has been implementing healthcare projects in different cities through other local NGO partners on ground. Can we apply?

We support only those organizations that are directly involved in implementing healthcare projects on-ground.

We would like to expand an existing model healthcare project which is supported by another funding agency. Can we apply?

Yes. You can apply if your organization is planning to expand an existing healthcare project, provided the locations are close to Wipro Offices in the city.

When can we apply for the Disaster Response grants?

The application link will be enabled in case of a natural disaster, and we will start accepting applications for the Disaster Response Program. Please subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated on our latest announcements.

Can we apply for a fundraising campaign at Wipro towards a disaster response?

No. Any form of fundraising is prohibited at Wipro.

Can we apply for the Disaster Response grant towards public infrastructure or cash transfers?

No. We do not provide funds for infrastructure development or cash transfers.

Our organization is an existing recipient of a Wipro Cares grant in another domain. Can we apply for the Disaster Response grant?

Yes. Existing grantees can apply for any other Wipro Foundation grant provided they meet the requirements.

We have expertise in running Disaster Response projects and we would like to initiate a Disaster Response project in another state, where we do not have a community presence. Are we eligible to apply?

Yes, you can apply. Please note: Preference is given to organizations having a strong presence at disaster locations.

We would like to initiate a Disaster Response project in areas prone to disaster. Are we eligible to apply?

No. Wipro Cares consciously reserves funds to be utilized at the time of an unexpected disaster and focuses on enabling the affected communities to become more resilient and self-sufficient.

Our organization has been implementing Disaster Response projects in different cities through other local NGO partners on ground. Can we apply?

Yes, you can apply. Please note: Preference is given to organizations that directly implement the projects on-ground.

How does Wipro Cares fund its initiatives?

The Wipro Cares funding model comprises three tracks: (i) Employee contribution matched by Wipro (ii) Direct budget allocation from Wipro Ltd (iii) ‘Donations’ from other companies like Wipro Enterprises Private Limited (WEL) as part of their CSR strategy.

The Wipro Cares governance framework is a great example of where employees play a key role in volunteering and contribution. More than 30,000 Wipro employees are currently engaged with Wipro Cares, either through volunteering or monetary contributions, or both.

How is Wipro Cares related to Wipro Foundation?

Wipro Cares is an employee-led trust functioning under the umbrella of the Wipro Foundation, a CSR initiative of Wipro Limited.

Wipro Cares engages with Wipro proximate communities on the issues of education for the underprivileged, including Children with Disabilities, primary health-care, and the environment. In addition, the trust also works on the long-term rehabilitation of affected communities after natural disasters.

Can I switch my role over to Wipro Foundation or Wipro Cares from Wipro Limited?

For queries regarding openings at Wipro Cares, please reach out to

Can I bring people not affiliated with Wipro to participate in Wipro Foundation or Wipro Cares' initiatives?

Depending on the project, volunteers may be allowed to bring their family and friends. Please look out for such exceptions in volunteer communication.

My friend/family/acquaintance requires support for their non-profit - who should I contact?

Please direct your connections to fill the grant application form. If they fit our criteria, the Wipro Foundation or Wipro Cares team will reach out to them.

Register to apply for Wipro Education Fellowship grant


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Login to apply for Wipro Education Fellowship grant

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To apply for Wipro Foundation grants, registration is required

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