School Education Organizations:
- Good Clarity and understanding of the sub-domain / focus within education
- 2+ years of work experience in the chosen education sub-domain
- Willingness to work with the public system to bring systemic reform in education
- Clarity on the operational model and aspects (Theory of Change and Theory of Action)
Community Organizations:
- Strong community presence
- Firm’s desire to work with the school education system (within the same community context)
- Willingness to engage with the public school system and relevant actors
- A small committed team with experience of working in the education field
Established Non-Education Organizations:
- Expertise and credible track record in other areas of social action (e.g. health / environment / livelihood / governance / human-rights)
- Strong desire to work with the school education system
- Readiness to learn and develop an understanding of working in school education
- Small committed team with experience in education